Monday, July 20, 2009

Positively Positive

Well, in a few hours I am supposed to be my next dose of Taxol. The dose I should've had as my third dose in a row, but my liver was marching to a different drummer and decided to throw a wrench in the schedule. This will still be my third Taxol, but it's not in a row, it's after a skipped week of rest for this liver of mine, that I feel is misbehaving.

So, today is my day to use my power phrase "positively positive" on myself. I am positively positive that my liver will no longer be the unruly child of my body, that it will have gotten back on the team, so to speak. I'm positively positive that I'm going to be more supportive to that team member through my food choice and keeping up with my daily 30 minute walking regimen. All this so I know I can count on my liver to hang in there for we can get the job done successfully - to kill every single remaining cancer cell in this body of mine, and prevent new ones from being created and to survive another experience with chemotherapy.

I'm positively positive that this can be done because I've done it before. Because I've read many articles (especially in the free to cancer patients and their families/caregivers magazine "Cure". Check out to sign up) about people who have walked through three or four different cancer recurrances, or even new, different cancers and their treatments and are still here to tell us about it.

So, I'm positively positive it can be done. I have role models that I can see and believe in who have already done this. So I know that I can do this too! Why not? I'm a human being just the same as they are; if they can do that then so can I.

So, I've prayed about it and asked God to bless me in my request to overcome cancer and survive. I'm positively positive that God will bless me because I believe that I am a worthy and loved child of His. Positively positive!

So, I will let everyone know later on that I was able to get my treatment today because I'm positive that I positively will get well and that starts today!

Have a positively positive day!

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