Saturday, July 11, 2009

What i don't do today

You know what I don't do today? I don't abuse myself, and I don't allow others to abuse me. There was a period of time in my life where I felt I wasn't good enough for the general acceptance of others - and really, I just didn't accept myself and I projected that onto others. I couldn't understand why you didn't accept me. I was in denial that I didn't accept me and I certainly did not see the connection between my lack of self-acceptance becoming your lack of acceptance too.

Today is not like that, thankfully. Today I realize that I have the power to uplift myself, or to hinder myself. I believe my words carry weight and that if I use them carelessly, I can weigh myself down. I believe in the power of belief, and believing starts with words - I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Sabotage also starts with words - I'm no good, What's wrong with me, and so on. I don't hurt myself like that today. Oh sure, I will slip up and say things like "that was stupid!" or some such, but notice I do not say "you're so stupid!" when I make a mistake. I even try to correct myself when I say "that was stupid" and tell myself that I'm simply human and I'm not perfect. That's good for me because I used to think I had to be perfect to be accepted because I thought everyone seemed like they were perfect. I was unfair to myself and to those I claimed had perfection - what a hard, uncompromising place to be!

I don't let myself be a doormat today either. I tell others when I am hurt, or upset by something they may have said or done. I don't expect them necessarily to get it, or change, or even apologize - but I do expect to take care of myself and share my feelings so that I can determine if continuing a relationship (friends or family or other) is a good idea for me to have with you. If you don't care how I feel, then I need to recognize that and gauge whether or not it is of value to me to continue on with someone who does not care. I don't spend much time in relationships with little value anymore. I maximize my return on investment because it's the right thing for me and for me to share with you.

I don't treat people with disrespect, I don't take people for granted and I don't put pride before humility - I apologize immediately if I step on someone else's toes. I treat others as I want to be treated. How easy is that!?

Why is this so hard for so many human beings to do? I don't know. I just know that I have a choice every time I interact with someone and today, I don't treat people badly because I honor them and their feelings. Everyone has a right to their feelings, a right to their opinions, a right to be heard. And, we all have the right to agree or disagree.

Today, I don't expect anyone to be like me except me.

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