Friday, July 10, 2009


Today one of my most cherished friends gave me a necklace with a charm that says "miracles" on it. Because I am a miracle today.

Some people out there enjoy their belief that "miracles don't happen" - and they relish their closed-mindedness. They refuse to accept that miracles occur every day, on so many levels and everywhere, there is proof.

For example, in my life alone there have been more miracles than I can count. But, I'll share a few...

First of all, the fact that I am a sober alcoholic is a miracle in itself. By very definition, alcoholics aren't meant to be sober; we are uncontrollable drunks! We suffer from a disease that is an allergy of our bodies response to alcohol, we cannot drink enough to conquer the overpowering desire for more, even when we know it is killing us. Coupled with that physical allergic response of craving, we have an obsession of our mind that lies to us and tells us that we don't have a problem, that we can drink like regular, temperate drinkers - an obsession to learn to control our drinking. Something that a true alcoholic can ever do for long. We crave it. We obsess over it. We believe it is our friend, that without it we could not face the world.

The miracle comes when the denial (don't even notice that I am lying, is one euphanism) that comes with an active alcoholic mind, is suddenly able to surrender to the fact that the alcoholic does have a problem! That the recognition that we are not like other people with regard to alcohol, begins to seep in.

For one who was confined for most of my life in my disease of denial, of alcoholic obsession...the very fact that I am free of that today-by God, that IS a miracle! Even more so is how good my life is today! The comfort and peace I have in my own skin, the ability to accept myself as I am, the willingness to work an honest 12 step program and to rely on faith and a power, greater than myself...
Each of those things is a miracle to me. When you have been in the dark prison of addiction and have been given a release and a new joy in celebrating life, on life's terms, well! What a joyful miracle is that!

And, what about being able to still be here to share my story? If I could only recap every danger, every deeply sick, lost moment, every abuse encountered - and that I am alive and well (yes, I have cancer but I chose to say I am alive and well) and not already dead, or incapacitated, or incarcerated for that matter...miracle, miracle, miracle.

Every moment of love is a miracle. Every hope. Every joy. Every kind act, every compassionate heart. Every flower that bloomsn every day the sun rises - all miracles.

It's all in how you choose to see your world.

Do you see miracles too? I hope so.

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